Wound Care Center
Comanche County Hospital has partnered with RestorixHealth to bring Wound Care Service to our community. Patients with the following symptoms may benefit from advanced wound care:
- Slow to heal or non-healing wounds
- Foot/Leg ulcers or wounds
- Crush Injuries
- Non-healing skin grafts or surgical flaps
- Symptoms occurring on or around a point of radiation
- Bone infections
For most, a blister or cut on the foot is a small inconvenience that a Band-Aid™ and time will heal, but that’s not the case for the 38.4 million Americans who have diabetes. Complications of diabetes, like neuropathy and peripheral vascular diseases, make feet vulnerable to ulcers that can lead to infection and even amputation. If you have a diabetes-related wound, the Comanche County Hospital Wound Care Center can help! Call 620-523-1122 #WhereHealingHappens #WoundCareIsEssential
One in three people with diabetes will develop a foot problem that requires treatment. For more information about how the Comanche County Hospital Wound Care Center can help those with diabetes-related foot ulcers, call 620-523-1122. #WhereHealingHappens #WoundCareIsEssential
If you have diabetes, taking care of your feet is taking care of your health. Early intervention and proper treatment from a wound center can help prevent further complications and reduce the risk of amputation. Call 620-523-1122 today for more information! #WhereHealingHappens #WoundCareIsEssential
What does diabetes have to do with your feet? Some of the complications of diabetes, such as neuropathy and peripheral vascular diseases, make feet vulnerable to non-healing ulcers. To stay on top of foot health, check your feet daily and wear proper footwear. If you or a loved one has diabetes and discovers a non-healing wound or foot ulcer, call 620-523-1122 for an appointment at our Comanche County Hospital Wound Care Center. #WhereHealingHappens #WoundCareIsEssential