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Link to article: American Heart Month

American Heart Month

Heart Disease is more common than we may think. In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups according to the National Center for HEalth Statistics. February is known as American Heart Month, and though it is important to keep heart health in mind year round, we use the month of February to help raise awareness on heart health and risks. Did you know that high blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease? High blood pressure if left . . .



We would like to thank everyone that supported our fundraiser by purchasing tickets for the Kansas City Chiefs game ticket raffle and those who have donated to the cause as well! We are very appreciative of all the support we have received as we work toward our Physical Therapy Expansion project goal. Congratulations to our WINNER!

Link to article: Moments With Melanie-Episode 4

Moments With Melanie-Episode 4

Welcome to Episode 4. If you have been following along with the previous Episodes, this one won't disappoint! Just like the other episodes, this one is filled with great information! However, if this is your first time seeing our series, our episodes are still available for you to go back and watch. Stay tuned to learn about the importance of Blood Sugar Balance.   _MWM-EPISODE 4.mp4

Link to article: Moments With Melanie-Episode 3

Moments With Melanie-Episode 3

Welcome to Episode 3 of Moments with Melanie! If you are new to the videos, we are glad to have you! There is some great information to help you in bettering your health.  If you missed the first two episodes, don't worry, they are still available for you to go back and catch up! Click the link below to view this weeks new episode! MWM-EPISODE 3.mp4

Link to article: Medicare vs Medicare Advantage-Part 3

Medicare vs Medicare Advantage-Part 3

Final part of the Know Your Facts. There is a lot of information and we understand it can be overwhelming. We want to help you understand what you are getting for your money. We hope these articles have helped you understand the difference and provided enough information to make the right choice for you. Your health is important to us and we want you to be covered!   For printing quality, use the link below for a PDF version. Know Your Facts - Medicare Advantage Part 3-CCH.pdf